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Handara Daniswara


Country: Indonesia


Major: Economics and Philosophy


Education Level: Undergraduate


Languages: Bahasa Indonesian, Javanese, Singlish, English


Hobbies: Football, philosophy, cooking, and singing 


Biography: Handara Daniswara spent his childhood in Surabaya, Indonesia, also

known as “City of Heroes” due to its important role in gaining Indonesia’s 

independence, which Handara played no role in. Subsequently, he spent his teenage 

years and completed his high school in Singapore before moving to Portland, 

Oregon, USA, to further his study in PSU majoring in both Economics and Philosophy.


When not reading about the ‘dismal science’ and wisdom bestowed upon bearded 

man from ancient Greece, Handara enjoy watching his favorite football team, 

Chelsea FC, dominating other teams; singing, although he wish he was born with a 

better vocal; and cooking with Oregon’s fresh local ingredients from the Farmer’s 

Market, unless money is short, whereby he resorts to normal ingredients from Fred Meyer.


As a leader of PSU’s PERMIAS (Indonesian Student Association) and a member of 

ICSP, Handara relishes the opportunity of sharing Indonesia’s peculiarities to the 

Portland community. He believes that cultural understanding is a thread that binds 

a multicultural community, and through PERMIAS and ICSP, he is glad he could 

participate in strengthening this bond. He also emphasizes the importance of 

understanding and critiquing each individual’s culture and how it has defined our 

way of life, but primarily, he wants to reveal that underneath the disparities in 

cultures from around the world, we are all the same – human, driven by the same 

fear and ambition, inquiring the same question, facing the same predicament.


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