Our Logo
ICSP alumnus Ahmed Alibage created this beautiful logo for our program, and we are so proud to use it!
Ahmed gives this interpretation of the logo:
"The dot over the letter "I" represents the Earth, which refers to the real objective of the ICSP. However, the lines rotating over the Earth are in blue (the sky) and green (PSU). In addition, the letters "IC" are in blue that represents the color of the sky, while the letter "S" in mix of both green and blue which represents the service that ICSP is working on. Moreover, the letter "P" is in green which refers to PSU and the objective of prospering and flourishing the future by sharing cultures and making our community prettier and much better. The "SU" on the letter "P" is to put the thumbprint of PSU and make this logo dedicated for the ICSP at PSU."